Monday, March 30, 2009

Weekend with Uncle Dave

The weekend before the kids birthday, my brother Dave, came to visit and spend the weekend with Alex and Olivia. It was nice having him for the weekend as he hadn't seen the kids since we were in Michigan in August.

The weekend began with receiving the package that Dave sent to our house which was the kids birthday present. He bought the kids a table from IKEA with two little chairs. He stained the table for them and had it sent to our house to arrive while he was in town.

On Saturday he put the table together for them, and it is the cutest table ever!!! They can't get on the chairs on their own just yet, but Olivia will definitely try, and Olivia can get down all by herself.

The first couple of days of having the table made us feel that we were constantly putting the kids in the chairs to only take them down 5 minutes later when they wanted to get down. But the table is great and it is something that they will get tons of use out of for years to come!!!

On Saturday night we went out to dinner with Dave, and the kids. After dinner we went to a kids shoe store to buy Olivia a pair of shoes that she can wear outside since now that she walks she will be going outside at day care to play on the playground. We had her wear them around the house on Sunday to let her get use to them and she was so funny! Her balance was a little off in the new shoes as we think the way she typically has good balance is through curling her toes into the ground which she can't do in her new shoes. But she was able to pick up the speed in the new shoes so it seemed like she was practically running around the house!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

He is making strides.....

Literally...Alex is making strides. He sees Olivia walking all around the house and I think he is dying to walk. You can see it in his eyes. A couple of weeks ago we tried him out on one of the walkers we have, but he didn't get the concept. He would just push it but would not move his feet.

Then we found him pushing his little Fisher Price activity table around the living room. It is the cutest thing. The table has no wheels so it goes the perfect speed for fast as he wants it to go!

He has been cruising around on furniture a lot more lately and so we decided to give the grocery cart (one of the walkers we have) another try this weekend...and this is what we got....

And here are a few pictures of him standing from this weekend - - he cruises on everything around the house now from the kitchen cabinets to Dudley's crate!

The tooth fairy is early and cheap!

We never imagined that there would be a reason for the tooth fairy to come to our house before the kids were 6 or so. In fact, we figured that the kids wouldn't have any need to see a dentist before they turned one so we contemplated not even putting them on our dental insurance. Boy, were we wrong!!

Let me set the stage.....February had been a crazy month with Alex missing a week of day care from being sick, then a couple weeks later I got a call from day care that Olivia had a fever of 101 but seemed to be acting fine so they would allow her to stay for the rest of the day and would just monitor her temperature. It seemed like every time I turned there was a reason why I either had to leave work early or a reason why I couldn't come into work which made me feel horrible since I just started my job on February 2nd.

So a few days after I got the call about Olivia's fever, my phone rang at work and caller ID showed it was day first thoughts were "what now?" I picked up the phone to find the director on the other end, so I figured she was going to let me know what I missed at the prior night's parent support committee meeting....once again, boy, was I wrong!

She started off with "Alex had an accident". I am sure you can only imagine the thoughts that went through my head.

As it turns out, Alex and Olivia (why couldn't it be another child at day care rather than his own sister?) were fighting over a toy, Alex lost his balance, fell forward and hit his chin on a table. He ended up hitting his chin so hard that he knocked out his top tooth (a tooth that had just come in and we had just gone through what seemed like 2 weeks of sleepless nights as the tooth came in!). His tooth was hanging by a string (or should I say root), and he ended up sucking the tooth out of the socket.

Their pediatrician gave me the name of a dentist, who saw him right away. The dentist informed me that they don't put baby teeth back since it could potentially damage the permanent tooth developing underneath.

Alex had to go strictly on baby food for a few days to make sure no food got into his gum that was cut, but other than that he was fine. We have his tooth in a little treasure chest that the dentist gave me, and we figure we get off easy with not having to give him anything from the tooth fairy since he doesn't know what the tooth fairy is (at least until he is old enough to read this!).

I am still in shock and I don't think I will realize how real all of this has been until he has more teeth and it is evident that he is missing a tooth.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Alex becomes a man...

I bet that title got your attention. Seriously though two Sundays ago we decided that Alex's hair had finally just gotten too darn long so it was time to get it cut. We put this off for quite a while so when we decided to get it cut his hair was really long.

We were worried that on a Sunday the place might be really crowded. We ventured out anyway and to our surprise there was no one at the haircut place. Alex was a trooper. He was a bit bewildered at first. However after 10 minutes or so he lightened up. In the end we think he had a good time. The girl did a very good job cutting his hair and I must say he looks quite handsome after the haircut. We'll probably head back in about a month for the next one.