It has been so long since I have blogged about each of the kids. I feel they both deserve their own blog post because so much has change din what seems to be such little time. Our little babies have grown into jabbering, energetic toddlers who seem to be getting close to not being toddlers anymore. Alex is no exception. he is so full of energy - - it must be a boy thing! He hit 2 1/2 and it was like he exploded with energy. And the jabbering thing is definitely him as well - - sometimes I think his mind is going so fast about what to say next that he cannot even get the words out fast enough which results in him saying some pretty funny things and being difficult to understand (the missing tooth doesn't help!).
And he is just like his daddy. He may not look a single thing like him, but he is so much like him. i don't think his mind stops churning and thinking when he goes to sleep at night. He will wake up int he middle of the night and when one of us goes to see what is going on he'll say things like "what we having for breakfast tomorrow?" or "you make my breakfast tomorrow?" or "can I turn the football guy on tomorrow?" It is always so random, and so funny. We get frustrated when he wakes up after he goes to bed, but we never get a chance to express our frustration because we are greeted with something that just makes us laugh. One time in particular, Alex went to bed with a Corduroy stuffed animal that had removable overalls. He called my name several times after going to bed, and I had already been to his room several times, and this last time was the straw that broke the camel's back. I was so frustrated with having to constantly go upstairs, that I was going to be really tough with Alex this last time. When I walked in his room, I was greeted with "Corduroy naked mommy!" Yep, Alex had taken off Corduroy's overalls! How can you be tough when you are dying laughing?
Alex always has food on the brain. He isn't a particularly good eater (in fact meal time seems to be his stage), but he is always thinking about food. At breakfast, he'll ask "what we havin' for lunch?" The few times I have picked him up from school, I am greeted with "what we havin' mommy?" He is always talking about who is going to make his meals, and now asks in the morning "what we havin' for dinner?" and when I respond with "chicken and carrots", it seems like it isn't good enough because the response I get is "what we havin' with chicken and carrots?" But it is just his inquisitive nature.
And inquisitive he is.......about everything....not just food. Every night when he goes to bed he asks "what you gonna do?" Now he is so use to our response it usually goes like this: "what you gonna do? You do the dishes? You take Dudley potty?" He frequently asks "is the garbage truck coming to our house today?" He wakes up asking "I watch Dora with daddy after school?"
As much as he talks, he still is our gadget guy! he knows how to turn the television on and off better than me, I think (and he doesn't even watch that much tv). A Christmas tree (make that 2) with lights and Alex was in HEAVEN!!! One day after school, the kids were in the basement playing on their own while Ben was making dinner. Once we got the kids down for bed, we went to the basement to find the Christmas tree lights on. Yep, Alex had plugged in the lights. And he did this every day he had the chance. In fact, our artificial tree is still up because Alex asked me to leave it up for one more week.
He is full of energy and loves to make people smile and laugh. He loves to be the center of the party - any meal time typically results in Alex putting on some sort of show. When he does get going, it does get a bit out of hand, and he usually brings his sister down with him. But we struggle to get angry with him because ultimately he is just trying to make you laugh and put a smile on your face. Alex gets very sad when one of us is sad, or not feeling good. In fact, he gets very upset until we tell him we are not sad. And this is what happens when you try to get a serious picture on Christmas eve....Alex thinks its time to be silly!

The questioning never ends, and the high energy boy never stops, and at times it is exhausting (especially when he gets mad if you tell him the garbage truck isn't coming to our house), but nothing puts a smile on my face more so than how inquisitive he is and how much he tries to make people laugh. He truly has a heart of gold and a sister who he loves so dearly.