Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Adventures of Alex & His Thumb!

I apologize for not posting much lately, but it seems like we have been so busy that there has not been much time over the last month. So you will see a couple of different posts go up at once to make up for lost time!

Over the last month Alex has discovered his thumb! He has found that if (and that is a big "if") he gets it in his mouth that it is very fun to suck on and it is very soothing (potentially more soothing than the pacifier!). I took him to see my coworkers about a month ago and that was the first time he found his thumb. He now knows it exists but cannot always seem to get it in his mouth. Most of the time that he tries to get it in his mouth his thumb is tucked under his other fingers and he really has no shot at succeeding.

He has managed to find his thumb and suck on it about 5 times, and we have captured a few with pictures.

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