Personally, I never wondered this myself, but have found out the answer - - he would look like Olivia!!! He probably would also spread his legs and hike up his skirt like Olivia has in this picture!

I could never figure out who Olivia resembled. Ben's parents said it was him, and their friends said the same thing. I never saw it until Ben's parents came to visit a couple of weeks ago. They brought along with them pictures of Ben as a baby/toddler. It is quite scary to see the resemblances between Ben and Olivia!! Their shapes of their heads are different, but their eyes, their mouth, their expressions, their hair styles, their ears, and especially their cheeks.....all the same!!!!
I see Olivia the most in the first picture of Ben in the bathtub! She has this same smile!! Now only if I could capture her smile in a photo so you could do the true comparison!

I swear I have seen Olivia make the same face that Ben has in the picture below!

1 comment:
I absolutely love these pictures!!! I have been thinking all along that Olivia looked like her daddy, but this is some serious confirmation. What great pictures!!!
I also enjoyed the pictures of the kids being entertained during the day. . .they look so cute in their Bumbo seats! And the play mat situation is just great. I love how assertive Olivia is. Once they get a little older, playtime gets a lot more fun! Which I imagine for twins it gets twice as much fun ;)
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