Sunday, August 17, 2008

Road Trip

This is a little overdue but Ben and I have been spending the last week recovering from our trip to Michigan.

Before the kids were born, we decided that we would take a road trip this summer to Michigan to see my family as we had not been to Michigan in 2 1/2 years. Many people thought we were crazy for taking 2 little ones on an 11 hour road trip but we figured it would be easier than flying considering all the things we would need to bring with us on the plane.

So on Friday, August 1st after we fed the kids at 7 p.m. the last minute touches on packing the van (thank goodness for the van - - it was packed full!) and left the house at 8:15 p.m. for our drive to Michigan. At times we thought we might be crazy for driving through the night. However, we figured it would be easiest on the kids if they spent the 11 hours in their car seats during the time they are use to sleeping since they usually fall asleep in the car anyway. Plus, we did not want to stop and feed the kids every 4 hours as we would have had to do if we drove during the day as that would have just made the trip extra long.

The ride to Michigan went pretty smoothly and at times was pretty interesting! This is what we were experiencing at 3 a.m.....I hope you don't get sick from watching the video but if you listen closely you will hear Olivia talking away...

I am not sure if she was awake or just talking in her sleep.

A few times we had to turn on lullabies to calm Alex down to get him to go back to sleep (the lullabies were not very helpful in keeping the drivers awake)....we realized he was just unhappy with his wet diaper as usually he can sleep through the night but I think it is more uncomfortable to sit in a wet diaper rather than lay in one all night.

On the way to Michigan we had to stop to feed them just about 45 minutes from my parent's house and on the way home we did not feed them until we got home.

The road trip was a big success - - the kids were so good in the car. We plan on attempting the road trip again next summer to Indiana.

1 comment:

Paul said...

You are our new heroes. WOW. Sounds like you had an awesome trip to Michigan- we are so excited for your visit to Indiana next year!!!
The Zinks