Obviously, this post is long overdue, but I never did a post when the kids turned 6 months old! It is hard to believe that they are about a week away from being 7 months old. They are growing so quickly and learning new things every day.
They had a great 6 month check up. Alex was 17 lbs 2 oz (48th percentile), and 28 inches long, and Olivia was 14 lbs 8 oz (25th percentile) and 27 inches long. Alex at 4 months was in the 25th percentile for weight, so he is moving up on the charts, and Olivia moved from the 50th percentile to the 25th percentile in weight. The doctor was not concerned though because she is gaining weight. Alex is much heavier than Olivia who is very skinny and dainty!
I am almost positive that both of their length measurements were wrong so I am going to have them recheck it when Ben takes them back for the second half of their flu shot in November.

As they approach turning 7 months old, we continue to make our way through baby food.....so far we have done cereal, oatmeal (Olivia had a reaction to the oatmeal), squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, and bananas. Olivia loves her baby food and I think she secretly would love to get her formula on a spoon - - she has been known to throw tempertantrums if you take the spoon away from her! While Alex loves his bottle, and I think he would prefer to have his baby food through his bottle!