Olivia has been experimenting with figuring out how to crawl. She has been getting up on her knees, and them sometimes on her forearms. But no crawling yet, but she lunges herself across the floor. Nothing is holding her back now, she can pretty much get anywhere she wants to these days within a short distace. Just this morning she was playing with the door on Dudley's crate! She is definitely going to keep us on our toes. I have a couple of videos of Olivia in action that I will have to post as soon as I get some time.
Alex on the other hand is pretty happy just laying on his back and not moving! Ben says it is a "boy thing". He can roll, but chooses not to...when we put him on his tummy (which he is not a big fan of) he tends to roll to his back. So he has not been experimenting with crawling like Olivia. However, he is getting very good with sitting on his own. Thanks goodness since once he gets the hand of it we probably will retire the bouncy seat and I am sure the bouncy seat will be happy about this!
I am not sure Olivia will ever sit on her own as she does not have the attention span to learn how to hold herself up! As soon as you sit her down she see something she wants to go get.
All the kids at play....even Dudley....
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