The blog hiatus is now over......lots of updates over the last couple of months!
In September, Alex and Olivia had a big weekend!! They took their first ride on an airplane and were the ring bearer and flower girl in Ben's cousin Kyndel's wedding. The wedding was in Ben's hometown of Evansville, Indiana, and when planning the trip we decided to fly to Nashville, TN since we could get a direct flight. Nashville is a 2 1/2 hour drive from Ben's parents, but we figured that would be easier to deal with compared with trying to connect flights with 2 kids, bags, and car seats!
We flew out on an early morning flight on Friday. We had to wake the kids at 4 a.m. to get going. By the time we got to the airport and through security the kids were wide awake! I was hoping they would sleep on the plane, but they were wired by the time we got on the plane. We were a little nervous as to how they would do on the plane but came prepared with toys and food.
They sat in their car seats on the plane, and as the plane started taking off, Olivia looked at me like she was unsure what was happening, but after that she was fine. They both spent the plane ride eating their breakfast, and Olivia even fell asleep toward the end of the flight.

We originally planned on stopping for breakfast in Nashville to let the kids burn some energy and make them tolerate the drive better. But the plan was spoiled when they both fell asleep within 10 minutes of being in the car! So Ben and I settled on the McDonald's drive thru for breakfast, which wasn't too shabby!!! And the kids enjoyed a few McDonald's pancakes when they woke up!

Saturday was the wedding, and it was a very long day, but the kids did sneak in a quick nap before we had to leave for the church. They looked super cute dressed up, even though they screamed and cried as we got them dressed! They were pretty terrified to walk down the aisle when the time came, so Ben walked them down.

Then it was off to the reception.....the kids had a BLAST running around the reception!!! In fact, at one point Grandpa Jarboe told me that he was breaking a sweat just chasing Alex around the reception hall!

They didn't eat much but I think that was mainly because they didn't have the appetite for sitting still, as witnessed in this picture that Ben's mom tried to get with Ben's grandma and all her grandchildren!

We left shortly after dinner when the kids started to have melt downs. Our flight home on Sunday, was an evening flight which we thought would be a good idea as we thought the kids would just fall asleep on the plane. Neither fell asleep in the car on the way to Nashville, which is when we figured they would nap. We had dinner at the airport, and then boarded the plane.
They both fell asleep after about 45 minutes on the plane which was close to 9 p.m. eastern time (normally their bedtime is 7!), and they had not napped all day! Shortly after Alex fell asleep, he started he started getting restless in his sleep. Ben was concerned, and I just thought he was dreaming. Unfortunately, Ben was right as soon after it started, Alex started throwing up. After we got him cleaned up and changed, Olivia started having the exact same restlessness. And sure enough, she ended up throwing up as well. To this day we don't know what caused it but I have never wanted to get off a plane so much as I did at that time. From here on out, we will only be taking morning flights where there is nothing in their belly to throw up!!!