Lately, we have made sure to put Olivia in one piece pajamas as she has a tendency to put her hand down her pants while napping or when she first wakes up in the morning, and a few times she has found a surprise! We figured the one piece pajamas would curb this habit. One morning I walked in and she had her hand stuck in the whole between 2 snaps! Then earlier this week, I walked in to see her zipping and unzipping her pajamas which left me to wonder "When did she learn how to use zippers?!"
I told her day care teacher about it, and she told me that this week at day care they had been learning how to use zippers, so they could zip and unzip their coats all by themselves. Olivia has become quite the master at the zipper, and can even take her coat off by herself!
This is how we found Olivia this morning....she even managed to get her arm out!

If you look closely her zipper is undone as well, but thank goodness for the snap at the top that she hasn't figured out how to undo! I'm waiting for the day we walk in and she has no pajamas on!!!!
Alex was jealous we were taking pictures of Olivia, so here is how Alex looked this morning!

On another note, Olivia has become obsessed with her winter hat (from last season that barely fits her anymore). She insisted on wearing it to day care yesterday which meant Alex wore his too! When I left day care, they were playing with their friends, but refused to take the hats off! Ben had to take Olivia to the doctor yesterday and apparently she was examined with the hat on because she wouldn't take it off! Then came today when she refused to eat her snack without her hat!!! Crazy girl!!

I have never met someone so attached to clothing items like her!
SO cute! Love the posts & especially the velcro story. So funny! Sam went through a stage at about the same age where she absolutely would not take her winter hat off at daycare. Sometimes for hours. The kids are growing so fast!!!!! :)
I love it! Olivia is so all about clothes. She is so funny.
My good friends had a problem with their little guy removing his jammies. . .then his diaper. . .then making a mess. . .so they ended up duct taping his pj's so he couldn't unzip them! Classic. :)
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