Sure enough not long after the first couple of times, they both figured out how to hold their bottles and feed themselves! It is great!! Now, we can have breakfast while they eat on the weekends and seems like we get a lot more done since they can feed themselves. It also helps out a lot if one of us cannot be home for the feeding right before bed because we can always just put them in their high chairs!

This was a HUGE milestone for me with Sammi! It seemed like it just freed up so much of my time!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!! Enjoy it!!!!!!! :) :) :) How exciting!
Hooray!!! Phil mastered that finally at about 11 months, the little prince just liked to be held and fed. Seriously, he might still let me feed him a bottle. He is such a snuggler. What a great feeling to know that if you are on the go, you can just give the kids their bottles and they won't starve! YAY!
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