Monday, March 9, 2009

He is making strides.....

Literally...Alex is making strides. He sees Olivia walking all around the house and I think he is dying to walk. You can see it in his eyes. A couple of weeks ago we tried him out on one of the walkers we have, but he didn't get the concept. He would just push it but would not move his feet.

Then we found him pushing his little Fisher Price activity table around the living room. It is the cutest thing. The table has no wheels so it goes the perfect speed for fast as he wants it to go!

He has been cruising around on furniture a lot more lately and so we decided to give the grocery cart (one of the walkers we have) another try this weekend...and this is what we got....

And here are a few pictures of him standing from this weekend - - he cruises on everything around the house now from the kitchen cabinets to Dudley's crate!


Jen said...

Way to go, big guy!!! You are getting so grown up!!!

BROOKE said...

Yea for Alex! Such a big boy!!!!