It is amazing to think that Alex and Olivia are almost a week away from being 9 months old. The time has gone by so fast, and the nights of feeding them at 3 a.m. seem so long ago (although I am sure Ben would argue this one with me). This is such a fun age as they are learning new things every day and they appear to be looking more like little toddlers rather than babies lately.
We spent Thanksgiving with our friends Jen and Eric. They were gracious enough to invite us over while they were also entertaining 8 other members of their families. Alex and Olivia were so well behaved while we were there and providing a lot of enjoyment for Jen & Eric's moms.
Two days after Thanksgiving we bundled up the kids and took them to a Christmas tree lot in Massachusetts to search for the Jarboe Family Christmas tree. It was freezing outside and I am notorious for taking forever to find the perfect tree, so Ben gave me a time limit of an hour! I was so stressed by the time limit and him asking me every five minutes "what time is it"!
We found a tree, Ben cut it down, we got it tied to the roof of the car, and got the kids back into warmth....Then as we brough it home we decided it was too the next day Ben went out to get another one and he was able to pick out my perfect tree for me! Perhaps I should send him by himself every year!
A week after Thanksgiving, we took the kids to get their pictures take similar to what we did when they were 4 months old. However, this time we decided to try a new place. They did great! It was hard to keep Olivia in one place, but we got some amazing pictures! Here are a few pictures from the day:

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