The hardest thing about having twins lately has been trying to figure out how to get them from the car into places. Alex grew out of his infant car seat about a month ago, so that meant the trips into day care involved carrying Olivia's infant car seat in one hand, and carrying Alex under my arm! Not always an easy feat, but it did the job.
Then over Christmas, Olivia seemed to be getting tight in her car seat - - which I was constantly telling her that she had to learn how to walk before we took her out of it so that we would not have to deal with how to get them both around. Well after a couple of days of her crying every time we put her in the car seat since the straps just seemed to tight, we came to grips with the fact that she had grown out of her car seat. This was fine, at the time, because Ben and I were both home from work and anytime we went out we each would carry a kid. But then as the days grew near to go back to work we had to figure out how we were going to get the kids into day care. The logical choice is the stroller, but since I do drop off and Ben does pickup this meant we would have to leave the stroller there, and then switch it from one car to the other EVERY night - - what a pain! (And I guarantee there would be one night where we would forget!). So we bought a single stroller, so Ben could put Alex in the stroller and carry Olivia out. Day care issue solved.....but what about the dr's office??
I took them to their 9 month appointment myself since Ben had school, and I was stressed all morning about how I would get them inside since I did not think they had a ramp to use the stroller. I called on my way and they said they do have a ramp but it goes into one of the exam rooms (the office is in a house), so to call when I got there and they would make sure there is nobody in the room and they would let me in. As I drove in, I saw the ramp and was not convinced the stroller would fit up the ramp, and the more I thought about it the office is so tight, I was not sure how I would maneuver the stroller through the office. So onto plan B.....I put Alex in the Baby Bjorn and I carried Olivia by hand. It was a lot but it worked out pretty well, so well in fact this is how I have been bringing them into daycare!
So onto their appts....they went really well. It was definintely hard keeping two kids on the table while they wanted to roll off, or fall off! They were both sitting in their diapers on the table waiting for the doctor to come in and Alex was just playing with his belly - - he kept pulling at the skin, it was so funny! I think his belly was all red by the time the doctor came in.
Alex is now up to 20 lbs 4 oz (50th percentile), and 28 1/4 inches long (50th percentile), and Olivia is 16 lbs 12.5 oz (25th percentile), and 27 3/4 inches long (55th percentile). As you can see their lengths are either the same, a little shorter, or a little longer than 6 months, but that is because I knew they screwed them up last time! Alex's head is in the 90th percentile and Olivia's is in the 30th percentile (YAY we have increased from the 25th!!!). But overall they are both doing really well! Here are a few recent pictures of them!
1 comment:
So, BOTH of my kids have the sweatsuit Alex is wearing. . .basically, we just need to photoshop him in every picture of us. He is like our third son. :)
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