Wednesday, May 28, 2008

We are two months old!

It is so hard to believe that Alex and Olivia are already two months old! Time seems to have gone by so quickly. They had their 2 month check up at the pediatrician today. Alex weighed in at 10 lbs 15.6 oz, and was 22 1/4 inches long. Olivia, even though she feels so much lighter than Alex, weighed in at 10 lbs 6 oz and was 21 3/4 inches long. They have grown so much in two months, it is hard to remember how little they were when we were in the hospital!

They had their first set of shots today and they handled it really well, as they only cried for a little bit. They don't go back now until they are four months old for their next round of shots.

They both lately have been a lot more alert. They now smile a lot more when they see me or Ben or hear our voice. It is so rewarding to see them smile when they look at us!

I wanna be like Grandpa Jarboe

Alex is clearly happy to be wearing a giant fire truck on his outfit!!! I think that he is trying to tell us that he wants to be a firefighter just like his Grandpa Jarboe!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

We have smiles!!!!

I set Alex and Olivia up in the recliner this afternoon to take some pictures of them. The recliner is the one place I have found it easiest to take pictures of them as I can set them in the corner and they sit up pretty well. Sometimes it is hard to position Olivia next to Alex but I figure it is good enough. While I was taking pictures, they both managed to give me some smiles and I was able to capture them with the camera!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Alex & Olivia trying to hold hands.....

It is hard to believe that seven weeks have already past since Alex and Olivia were born. Time flies so quickly, but it so wonderful to see them change from day to day. They are starting to settle into a routine during the day. Last week was the first week where I did not have any breakdowns during the day, and I managed to shower every day before Ben got home from work. I even ventured out with the kids on Wednesday afternoon to run a few errands.

They are also sleeping much better at night. Typically we will feed them sometime between 10 and 11 and they will be asleep until around 5 when we wake them to feed them before Ben has to get ready for work. Getting a few more hours of uninterrupted sleep has helped me keep my sanity.

Over the last several weeks, Olivia has managed to loose all the hair on top of her head. She looked like an old man with just the ring of hair around her head and bald on the top. I am happy to say that she is now growing new hair on the top of her head and is no longer bald!

Alex had tended to be the more fussy one, and we figured out he was having a lot of gas. We have since switched his bottles and he is a whole new child!!!

Here they are at six weeks old.
They are starting to notice things a lot more, they are smiling a lot more, and we think we even heard a giggle out of Olivia this past weekend.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

A Day in the Life of Dudley Part Deux.......

The previous post showed Dudley trying to figure out how he fits in with the kids, but it forgot to highlight what Dudley does in his free time when he is not playing with the kids.

On nice days he is committed to working on his tan......
And on rainy days he is catching up on some much needed sleep since he is very much sleep deprived since he misses his daily naps when I use to go to work.

Friday, May 9, 2008

A day in the life of Dudley.......

Many of you are probably wondering how Dudley has been doing with the addition of Alex and Olivia. I must say it has been tough, but he is surviving! He has been trying to figure out how he fits in to the picture. The first couple of weeks were tough since Alex and Olivia were around plus we had additional people floating around the house since our families were visiting. After the family left, Dudley's life became a little more normal but it was apparent to him that he was not getting the attention he typically received. He is very interested by the kids and constantly wants to lick their hands and their faces. We tell him "no" which he does not understand since he is showing his affection the only way that he can and he is getting yelled at. However, we don't want him licking the kids since the kids put their hands in their mouths and we have seen where Dudley's tongue has been! He is definitely intrigued by all the toys in the house as he thinks they are things for him to play with. I am sure it won't be too long before the kids are trying to play with Dudley's toys and Dudley is trying to play with their toys! But until then, we have tried to continue to spend time with Dudley to make him feel loved.

He snuggles up with us when we hang out with Alex & Olivia..........
He tries to lend a paw while we feed the kids............
He even tries to get the kids to play fetch with him as he leaves them the bone while he waits for them to throw it. (so far neither Alex nor Olivia has thrown the bone!)