Ben's parents said they heard a lot noise earlier in the morning and thought that a transformer blew causing us to have no power. I called the electric company just in case they were not aware. Their first indications was that it would be turned back on around 11:30, then the next estimate was 2:30 - - YIKES! What were we to do with no power, no heat, and no water until 2:30!!!
Luckily we have a gas fire place in the living room so we used that to keep warm and we went about our morning of opening presents. Alex and Olivia since they had practice with Grandma and Grandpa Krausman were a little more into opening their presents. Olivia especially enjoyed playing with the tissue paper. But once the first new toy was opened.....there was no more opening presents by the kids since they were so interested in their new toy!
Ben got me a set of mixing bowls for Christmas (don't worry, I did ask for them!) as I opened them, I let Olivia play with the big one since she was so curious about them. Within a few minutes she spit up right in the bowl. Nothing ended up on the floor, it was a perfect shot for the bowl! So I think Olivia designated which bowl we will be using when the kids are older and they don't feel well! Every home has to have a "puke bowl".
Luckily the power came back on around 12, so we were able to start the preparation of our Christmas brunch which included a delicious egg, ham, and cheese casserole which is a recipe I receive from my friend Danielle (Thanks Danielle!!!).
Here is Alex modeling the new t-shirt that he got from Santa in his stocking! Olivia got the same one, but has not had the chance to wear it yet.
If you look closely at Alex's smile, you will notice that he now had one tooth that has popped up. Olivia now has two that have broken through the skin. So I suppose you could say she got her 2 front teeth for Christmas!
Even though we had no power, no heat, and no water for several hours of Christmas, it made it an extra special first Christmas with Alex and Olivia that we will remember forever.